Lately we found out that more and more users from other country's than our small Netherlands are reading and posting on our forum.
We are very honoured, that you're visiting our site, and because it's a bit hard for us to translate the complete forum into english, we'll start by translating the forum index, so you guy's can see a litlle bit where you are going, and where to find the info that you need.
Mededelingen : This is the general Announcement forum, here's where new forum rules or changes in the user part of the forum will be posted, not too interesting

Kletspraat : This is the General ChitChat forum, in this one you can post/find just about everything that does not fit one of the other forums.
Projekten : This is our Projects forum, if you have a Projekt you are working on (new spoilers, engine swaps, big repairs, building a new ICE install) you can post it here.. Remember that we want PICTURES ! ! ! !

Hallo ik ben : This is a forumpart where you can introduce yourself if you are new here, you can tell something about yourself an your Astra/car and same as above : PICTURES are a must ! ! !

GSi's in het wild : This is a 'spotted' topic, if you have seen a club member or very nice Astra somewhere, make a spy pic, and post it here

Members only : The Members only area is just what it says, a members area, this forumpart is especially for official Astra GSi Club business, if there is none, the forumpart will be empty.
So far for the upper part of the forum.
Then we have the Technical Part of the forum :
Problemen : Is the Problem thread of our forum. If you are having trouble's with your Astra, you can put it here, and our tech guys will try to help you.
Make sure you give a CLEAR description of the problem, with ALL info you have got, engine type and code, Year of build, the more info you give, the better we can help you

Technisch Archief : This is an Archive where solutions for standard problems will be saved, here you can find detailed manuals with pic's about how to fix some things

Meetings en Evenementen : Is a list of Meetings eand Events we will take part in every year, here will official Club events be posted.
Overige Meetings : This is a forum where 'Unofficial' Astra GSi Club meetings can be posted, you'll also find meetings here of other Opel clubs in Holland, Belgium and Germany.
Meeting foto's : This is the meeting foto topic, if you have been to an AGC meeting or event and you have been making pictures, you can post them here.
In this topic you can find a lot of beautiful pictures from our, and other cars.
Verslagen : In this topic you can post written reports of AGC Club events, not too interesting if you don't understand our language. no pic's here

And then, last but not least :
Te koop : If you have anything for sale, you can post it here, try to put pictures of the sold item(s) with the post, be clear about what you want to sell, and put a price with the item, no price, no topic

Gezocht : If you are looking for parts, this is the forum you need, place a topic here of the parts you are looking for, and see if anyone can help you to it

I hope that for a lot of foreign readers this will make it easier to use our forum

If you have a question about these forum's please post them in the foreign support forum , so we can help you as soon as possible.
If you wish to start a topic and you dont know where to place it, you can also post it in this forum section.
An Admin or Moderator will move your topic to the right forum for you, leaving a link behind for you to follow (this link will automatically delete after 30 days.)
GreetZ Jeff